Lasting Power of Attorney Stourbridge
Covering what you need to know about Lasting Power of Attorney Stourbridge
What is Lasting power of attorney or (LPA)?
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a document which enables you to appoint people to handle your property and financial affairs and/or your health and welfare affairs should you become incapable of doing so yourself, and all of our clients are offered the opportunity to take out an LPA should they choose.
Main Factors to consider when arranging (LPA)
- A Lasting Power of Attorney can only be made whilst you still have your mental capacity.
- A Lasting Power of Attorney can only be used once it has been registered with the courts and can include restrictions of your choice, such as that it can only be used once a medical practitioner is of the opinion that you cannot handle your own affairs. Hopefully, you will never need your Lasting Power of Attorney, but it provides peace of mind and is of vital importance should the time come that you do need it.
Recommendations from the Experts
Here are a few tips to bear in mind before making a Lasting Power of Attorney: Be clear whether you want to appoint somebody to handle financial affairs, health and welfare affairs, or both.
- – Consider whether you want to appoint one person or two or more people.
- – If appointing two or more people to consider whether you would want them to work together at all times, or whether you are happy for them to work alone if needs be.
- – Ask yourself whether you would want a medical restriction in your Power of Attorney, such as a condition that it can only be used once your doctor has confirmed that you lack capacity yourself.
- – Consider whether you would want to give somebody absolute power to act on your behalf, or whether there are any limitations you would wish to restrict them to. See the other areas we cover: Wolverhampton, West Bromwich & Walsall
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